Prime Infra-led WawaJVCo Inc. has started commercial operations of its Bulk Water Supply Project Phase 1 designed to deliver the initial 80 million liters per day (MLD) of raw water to offtaker Manila Water Company and Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System.

The Wawa Bulk Water Supply Project is one of the national government’s infrastructure flagship projects. Once the two phases are completed, the project will be able to deliver at least 518 MLD, which can provide water supply to over 500,000 households in the East Zone concession area.

To mark the milestone, Prime Infra Chairman Enrique Razon, Jr. and President and CEO Guillaume Lucci led a ceremonial celebration at the Tayabasan Weir. Also present were Prime Infra Directors Rafael Consing, Jr., Christian Gonzalez and Stephen Paradies.

The Prime Infra leaders also unveiled the Phase 1 marker which states that “the project is a demonstration of WawaJVCo Inc.’s purpose to create better lives and resilient economies through critical infrastructure.”

The water project’s Phase 1 is comprised of three parts: the weir where water is impounded, the pumping station that brings the bulk water to the water treatment plant, and the buried water pipeline where the bulk water passes to get to the water treatment plant.

“Prime Infra fulfilled its promise to the government to deliver on time a vital water infrastructure, which will help ensure the reliability of raw water supply to customers of Manila Water at a cost-effective manner,” said Razon.

“This milestone demonstrates Prime Infra’s strong track record in delivering critical infrastructure projects in challenging situations,” he added, noting that Phase 1 of the Wawa Bulk Water Supply Project was constructed and finished in the middle of a pandemic, ahead of schedule. WawaJVCo started commercial operations of the project last October 25.

Lucci, for his part, highlighted WawaJVCo’s adherence to social and environmental sustainability which allowed the project to establish close relations with its local stakeholders, making it possible to fast-track the project’s completion and subsequent commencement of commercial operations.

“The development of the bulk water project would not have been achieved without the full support of our stakeholders. We will continue to build on this momentum as we progress in the construction of Phase 2 with the vision of creating shared value for both the offtaker and the host communities,” he said.

Construction of the project’s Phase 2 or Upper Wawa Dam is on track, with the river diversion milestone achieved this week. The river diversion will minimize risk of construction execution as it allows WawaJVCo to start construction of the main dam body by December 2022, enable work through the wet season, and complete the project on schedule.

Once Phase 2 is completed by 2025, WawaJVCo will be able to supply at least 518 MLD per day of raw water.

The Wawa Bulk Water Supply Project is being developed by WawaJVCo, a joint venture of Prime Infra and San Lorenzo Ruiz Builders and Developers Group, Inc.