WawaJVCo, Inc.

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Upper Wawa Dam capacity to enhance water security in Greater Metro Manila

The Upper Wawa Dam, an infrastructure flagship project of the national government, presents a promising solution to address critical water security challenges facing the Greater Metro Manila Area, Prime Infra-led WawaJVCo Inc. said Wednesday, as the water infrastructure nears completion. The largest water supply dam to be built in over 50 years, the Upper Wawa […]

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Upper Wawa Dam on track to start water supply by 2025

The Upper Wawa Dam, the second phase of the Wawa Bulk Water Supply Project, is making significant construction progress and is on track to begin commercial operations by end 2025. Prime Infra-led WawaJVCo Inc. said overall progress is over 70 percent as of December 2023, with the 85-meter roller-compacted concrete dam to be finished in […]

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Tunnel completion marks milestone for Upper Wawa Pumping Station project

Another milestone for the Wawa Bulk Water Supply Project was crossed following the breakthrough of a 1-kilometer tunnel for the pumping station capable of delivering 518 million liters per day of raw water. The tunnel breakthrough underscores the collective synergy of Prime Infra, WawaJVCo and Prime Metro BMD Corporation (PrimeBMD) to work towards ensuring sustainable […]

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