Prime INFRA joined the recently concluded Philippines Infrastructure Conference 2019 held last August 27, 28 and 29, 2019 at the Manila Marriott Hotel in Pasay City.

The three-day event is a seven-in-one conference and an assembly of infrastructure stakeholders and decision makers from the government and private companies in the country. With over fifty speakers were invited to interact and share the challenges and solutions about the infrastructure industry, with a focus on the Power Infrastructure, Water Infrastructure, Smart City, Port and Logistic Infrastructure, and Information and Technology infrastructures.

Prime Infra President and Chief Operating Officer, Guillaume Lucci was present at the ribbon cutting to commence the three-day conference. Followed by a discussion of group leaders about Infrastructure Financing and Investment, Information and Technology, and Smart City.

On the second day, highlights the presentation of Prime Infra President and COO Guillaume Lucci and Prime BMD CEO Jeff Gallus about Prime Infra and Prime BMD. Followed by a panel session about environmental urban water management with other leaders in the industry of Power and Energy.

Finishing it strong on the last day, Prime BMD CEO, Jeff Gallus joined the panel discussion featuring infrastructure engineering, technology trends, other issues and innovative solutions about Land, Sea and Air transportation.